The Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus - Bavarian Center for Transatlantic Relations is the largest institution in Germany dedicated to fostering transatlantic relations with the Americas; its sole shareholder is the Free State of Bavaria. It offers a diverse program of events including exhibitions , readings, concerts, theater and film screenings, lectures and panel discussions - many of them in English. Young people interested in an exchange or study visit to North America are given independent advice and support. In addition, the Amerikahaus is an academic networking institution for the USA, Canada and Latin America. The in-house research center (formerly library) with its workstations and offers on the USA and Canada is especially aimed at students. The listed building on Karolinenplatz has a rotunda-shaped light dome and its own theater hall, which has been converted into a multifunctional hall. Among other things, movies can be shown here on a wide screen with Dolby surround sound.