The German Society for Christian Art (DG) was founded in 1893 as a national, non-profit and independent cultural institution. Since then, it has been promoting contemporary art with currently about 350 members. Every year, the DG Kunstraum hosts up to five exhibitions dedicated to contemporary art and architecture, which deal with the existential questions of humanity in a modern way. Guided tours, artist talks, lectures, readings or performances round off the presentations, each contributing to a multi-layered picture of an artistic and thematic issue. In addition to its own exhibitions, the DG participates in external art projects, conceives conferences and excursions and enters into cooperations with other exhibition houses.
Image Rights:
Exhibition view, DG Kunstraum, Doppelpass V: 'Depot or Landfill' - Christoph and Sebastian Mügge, 2021/2022 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022 (for Christoph Mügge), Photo: Gerald von Foris, Munich
Exterior view, DG Kunstraum, 2019, Photo: Gerald von Foris, München, Artwork: Brigitte Kowanz, ‚Sichtlinien des Möglichen‘, 2018 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019
Exhibition view, DG Kunstraum, Doppelpass I: Markus Bacher and Wilhelm Scheruebl ‚Samen die in den Morgen drängen‘, 2018 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019, Photo: Gerald von Foris, Munich
Exhibition view, DG Kunstraum, Zenita Komad. Art is a Doctor, 2016 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019, Photo: Gerald von Foris, Munich
Exhibition view, DG Kunstraum, 'Paradise Lost #gender shift', 2021, Photo: Gerald von Foris, Munich